For editing a single image.
Animation mode creates an animation from a single image.
The sorted images will be saved into a folder named /*FILENAME*_animation,
where *FILENAME* is the name of the currently loaded
ADDITIVE ANIMATION, when enabled, will stack
consecutive sorts together, so each sorting pass will act on the previously sorted
When disabled, each frame will only be sorted once.
Video mode sorts many frames from a video in succession.
A timeline containing every frame will be available.
Click any image in the timeline to view it in the editing window.
Click PREVIEW to preview the sorting effect on the
selected image.
If OUTPUT ONLY FRAMESsaves the sorted video frames
into a folder.
Changes the angle/direction of the sorting path.
Defines the percentage of intervals to sort. The chance that an interval is sorted is random, and scales with this percentage.
The amount of times to sort the image.
Selects the way an interval is sorted.
Sorts by the Hue, Saturation, or Brightness of each pixel, from an HSV/HSB colorspace.
Sorts by the Red, Green, or Blue value of each pixel, from the RGBA colorspace.
Sorts by the sum of the RGB values of each pixel.
Sorts by the lowest of the RGB values of each pixel.
Sorts by the Alpha value of each pixel, from the RGBA colorspace.
Sorts by a random sorting mode.
Switches from sorting by ascending order to descending order.
TARGET defines the start of sorting intervals.
THRESHOLD targets are defined by the change in
pixel values.
ALL targets the entire image.
Everything within the upper and lower thresholds will be targeted.
Everything outside the upper and lower thresholds will be targeted.
Defines the value of the pixel to be compared to the thresholds. For example, this
enables intervals to be defined by
HUE thresholds while sorting the intervals by
MATCH SORT, when enabled, automatically
matches the TRIGGER MODE to the selected SORT MODE.
THRESHOLD ends intervals by the change in pixel values.
RANDOM intervals have lengths selected at random.
ALL intervals are ended at the end of the image, unless MAX & MIN LENGTH are set.
Scales the interval by a percentage of the image length.
Shifts the interval by a percentage of its length within its position. Useful for creating a 'flow' effect in videos and animations.
Defines the maximum or minimum length of the intervals.
Randomly varies the interval length by a percentage of its length.
Shifts the interval by a percentage of its length within its position. Useful for creating a 'flow' effect in videos and animations.
Replaces the interval with a gradient from the first to last pixel.
Replaces the first, last, or both pixels with custom values.
Creates an opacity gradient from the start or end of the interval to its middle.
Blurs the image before sorting, potentially creating a smoother effect.
Blurs each individual interval, potentially creating a smoother effect.
Defines the path of the sorting effect.
Sorts in straight lines.
Sorts in a spiral shape with 90° turns.
Changes the thickness of the interval, up to 100px in height. Produces a blockier effect.
Sorts in the shape of a defined curve.
Changes the thickness of the interval, up to 100px in height. Produces a blockier effect.
Scales the size of the curve.
For a semi-circle with a radius of the image width, set the SCALE to 100% or -100%.
Adjusts the "smoothness" of the curve. The lower the value, the rougher the curve would be.
Sorts in the shape of a wave.
Sorts in the shape of an angular wave.
Changes the thickness of the interval, up to 100px in height. Produces a blockier effect.
Defines the length of a single wave. It is the percentage of the image width.
Defines the height of a single wave. It is double the percentage of the image height.
Defines the starting position of the waves. Displaced by a percentage of the image width.
Adjusts the "smoothness" of the curve. The lower the value, the rougher the curve would be.
Allows the definition of intervals from a different image. The intervals to be sorted
will be sorted on the currently loaded image.
The base layer must have the same dimensions as the loaded image.
Masks the output with a selected image.
With your photo editor of choice, create an image with the same dimensions as the source image. Draw pure black RGB(0, 0, 0) where you want to mask, and pure white RGB(255, 255, 255) everywhere else. You can invert the mask when it's selected.
Changes the output format of the image.
Only outputs the sorted pixels, with everything else being transparent. Best used for editing in post. Transparency is only available when saved as a PNG, otherwise it will be replaced with black pixels.